Ryan and I had the awesome opportunity to take the senior high to the Swift’s family camp near Shades Park for the weekend!! Last year I planned and programmed every minute of our time there-once we arrived though it all went out the window. I didn’t repeat that same mistake this year. I’ve noticed more and more that students don’t need alot of stuff thrown at them-filling them with as much info about Jesus and the Bible that you can fit into a weekend. What they seem to need the most is rest. Physical rest from school, sports, band practice, lego-league, the list could go on forever!!!! But also spiritual rest. We were out in the middle of nowhere among beautiful trees and Sugar Creek with cell phones that barely got a signal. We were able to just breath deep in our Lord’s handiwork. We ate together, hiked, played football, worshipped our awesome God, and discussed those things that hold us back from being crazy in love with Jesus. We asked the hard questions about why others might not even realized we’re different-and how sad that makes the Lord. To wind down the night we watched To Save a Life-a christian movie that I thought the kids might totally boo-hoo about, but they actually loved it-not wanting to get up and even use the bathroom because they didn’t want to miss any of it. It’s all about how a high schooler makes a change in someone’s life…we talked about how you don’t have to be amazing to show others the love of Jesus, you just have to be willing.