Sunday totally rocked my world!! So to start the afternoon we raked the Kingma’s yard (Linda Bogan’s family) Was it cold? YEP! Was it sleeting? YEP! Did the youth wear the right clothes? NOPE! Did we bust out an entire yard in 45 min? YEP! What a team we were, and to top it off, the Kingma’s were very gracious and served us yummy cider and these popcorn puffy things that were gone before I knew it! So from there we zoomed back to the church (not speeding of course, that wouldn’t be safe, but we were thinking about getting back quickly)! We ate a lovely meal, got way too full, then headed out for Extreme Worship!! After walking through the wrong door and back out a side alley we found our way inside Northview Church and proceeded to enjoy and participate in an hour of music devoted to bringing us into God’s presence. It was awesome-everyone participated-the band was super stellar, and we got to be a part of something bigger within the community-there were people from all different walks, ages, denominations, all worshiping together. What a night, what a great group of Jesus lovers I got to worship with!