So it was just me and Kaitlin this Wednesday for Junior High-we hopped in the VW and got some EXTREMELY delicious ice cream at the Silver Dipper, 2 scoops each, and had a marvelous time catching up! For Senior High we decided to start our Christmas shopping early and get our Youth Group Christmas Child some super fun boy things at Walmart! Now those of you who don’t know me I have trouble going to Walmart because I think it’s laid out really funny and I end up being in there way longer than I need to be-but, they DO have good prices so we were able to get Spiderman pj’s, Spongebob underroos that Thomas was willing to try on if we couldn’t figure out the sizing, a football, Moonsand(at Miranda’s request), floam, and some rockin’ matchbox cars for our 5 year old! We have not yet seen if all of these wonderful things will actually fit in our shoebox but we feel confident in our packing and jamming abilities:) To top it off we got to visit Lacey who couldn’t join us because she was working-at Walmart. All in all a super-successful evening of fun!!