This past Sunday I said that I hope that we never become so attached to our devices of worship (type of music, clothing, prayer style, etc.) that we lose sight of the God that we worship. How we worship is only important to the extent that it helps to communicate God to us.
The reality is that some things communicate God more clearly to us than other things because our preference for them makes listening for God easier. But our goal should be to get to a point where we can find God even in those things that we do not like and that take much more effort on our part.
We are called to find God in our enemies. We are called to find God in the mundane routines of life. We are called to find God in every part of God’s creation. For this to happen we must be open to finding and discovering God in ways that we never intended or expected. We must be willing to see God at work in every detail of every day, whether good or bad.
Sometimes we devote the time and effort to find God, but many times we do not. The reality, however, is that God is all around us. Even the cosmic pattern of day and night reveal God’s great work.
Marva Dawn says it well. "Can we respond in any other way than to be overwhelmed with amazement and reverence when we observe that day and night always repeat their pattern; that the atmosphere hasn’t fallen into the sea; that water in general keeps its boundaries so that vegetation can flourish; that plants bear seeds and fruits according to their kinds; that the earth continues to rotate around its sun, to receive the beauties of both its moon’s monthly patterns and a marvelous universe full of stars; that fish continue to swim upstream to spawn and birds fly south for the winter; that cattel and creepers and wild things continue to multiply; that human beings continue to bear the image of God?"
Make this week all about finding God at work around you.