On Easter we celebrate and remember the historical day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, but every day humans experience and witness the resurrection’s power throughout life.
When we look for proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ we often want to turn to history books or archeologists to understand what happened. We do not have to look so hard though. There is evidence of the resurrection of Jesus all around us every moment of every day.
On Sunday, I told about a YouTube video that I had seen that is evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. You can see that video by clicking here.
We also heard the story of Josh, a young man whose life has been transformed by Jesus Christ in the past year. His life is present day evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.
All around us, God is at work seeking to restore all that is broken and hurting, all that is seemingly unbreakable and arrogant, all that is yet to recognize and embrace the revolution that began when Jesus’ closest friends found his tomb empty. When we are in a right relationship with God our lives and what we say and what we do are modern evidence of what God accomplished on the first Easter. Jesus does not want the resurrection to be a memory for us, but a present reality that shapes all that we understand about the world.