On Sunday we talked about the story of David and Goliath and then in the evening I had a modesty night with all the SH girls. I got the eye rolls that “I’ve heard this before” but encouraged them that even when we think we know something, there’s always more to learn. We talked about the Jewish symbolism behind the story of David, we talked about being modest in our hearts and attitudes and that would flow into clothing choices. There’s always something to see of God and to understand at a deeper level-even when we think we know it all. As the students went home on Sunday I asked them to keep an eye out for God this week. He shows up everywhere if you look for Him! I was driving to church on Tuesday and noticed just from my house to 52 that I saw over 20 species of trees that were beautiful blowing in the breeze. Then I saw him again when 2 students who rarely join us came to lunch-and smiled while they were with us. HUGE! Then I saw Him when I was coming up the basement steps outside the white house and they sky was 10 different shades of pink last night. I saw Him again when I got a text from a struggling student this morning. HE’S EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING!!!! I’ve just been having it drilled into my head this week that the more we seek His face and keep our eyes on Him we’ll just learn new things about His character and His love for us. It feels great, give it a try today:)