On Saturday, December 11th, Riverside Covenant Church particapated in Jubilee Christmas. Through this program, Riverside sponsored 14 families, and 42 children were provided gifts or gift certificates. Riverside provided over $1500.00 for the purchasing of gifts, food certificates, and hams for each of the 14 families as well buying well over a 120 gifts for the children ages 1 through 12.
Approximately 30 volunteer from the Riverside congregation helped with Jubilee Christmas in so many ways. Promiseland children baked some cookies that were served to the families as they shopped on the 11th. Junior and Senior High youth helped to purchase some toys and decorated the collection boxes that were in front of the church. Many members of the congregation served as hosts to the families, provided food for the 11th, and generally helped in whatever capacity they could. Thank you to all of you for loving and serving and making the 2010 Jubilee Christmas a success.