Don’t be left out of the pictorial directory! It’s time for an update to the Pictorial Directory. Our 2014 pictorial directory will help us all get to know one another better. The directory will also be a wonderful gift for those new to Riverside, helping them to get to know their new church family quickly.
We are looking for updated photos and contact information for all who call Riverside home. For those who would like to have a photo taken, there will be two opportunities offered on Sunday, October 13 and October 20 between services and after the second service. A “studio” will be temporarily set up downstairs in the classroom at the end of the hallway on both Sundays or if weather permits pictures may be taken outside. Riverside member and photographer, Eric Smoldt has graciously offered his talents in taking photos for our directory. Before you get your picture taken, there will be folks available to give you the information we have in our records so youcan review it and make any changes or additions.
You can also send in a photo (no professional photos please) to be included in the directory. Your photo can be e-mailed to [email protected] or you can drop by the church office to have it scanned. Office hours are 10-4 Monday-Wednesday and Friday. We will also need your contact information to include in the directory. Deadline to submit photos and information is November 1.