As we move to two worship services August 22nd, we are splitting each Sunday into 2 sessions and having workers sign up for (hopefully) 2 sessions a month. While signing up, volunteers can choose to serve both sessions in one Sunday or spread them out so they can attend church the other service on each Sunday they work. Please sign up on the form located in each of the nurseries. Guardian Angels can sign up for their timeslots by signing the form at the Angel Station. At that time you can pick up a volunteer application form if you are new to volunteering in the children’s ministries, or you have never completed and turned in an application in the past.
Also, beginning in the fall, we will be using a special curriculum with the children in the WALKER NURSERY. It is a curriculum Todd and Diane Kelley have used very successfully in the past with these ages. The program introduces Biblical concepts to the children through the use of puppets, pictures, and songs. Volunteers will learn the lesson and repeat it each Sunday. This will provide our toddlers a more structured learning environment, preparing them for Promiseland.
Contact Rebecca Springs with any questions at Thank you for your committment to the Riverside children and their families.