Do you want to have more influence? Do you want to bless others? Are you a believer? Are you breathing? Then we want you, yes you! God commands some to be apostles, preachers, teachers, encouragers, leaders, etc., but He commands each of us to pray. What an awesome privilege! Find out more!
We have several opportunities for you to pray for Riverside at home, in your car, or wherever you are. Join the pastor’s prayer shield and/or the congregational prayer team. Both of these pray-ers commit to praying for a whole month and then have a couple months off, but we need you to make this happen.
You can pray for an hour on Sunday morning and pray for the church and all its ministries; our ministries and servants need you to talk to God about what He wants to accomplish through them; what a blessing! Just show up in the prayer room, across from Dan’s office in the white house, at 9:00 or 10:45 and join us in powerful prayer. No need to sign-up for this one; come check it out!
You can simply receive prayer requests on e-mail. Just commit to saying a simple prayer at the time that you open the e-mail. It’s a simple and great way to stay in tune with our Heavenly Father throughout the busyness of life.
Please sign-up at the back table in the sanctuary this Sunday or e-mail Diane Kelley at [email protected].