Our new pictorial directory will help us all get to know one another better. The directory will also be a wonderful gift for those new to Riverside, helping them to get to know their new church family quickly. There are also some terrific personal advantages to participating. You will receive a complimentary directory and complimentary 8×10 sent postage free to your home. No hidden costs, no sales pressure and no sitting fees, with just one trip to the church.
Photography dates are Friday, January 13, Saturday, January 14 and Monday, January 16. If you haven’t yet scheduled your appointment you can go to www.ucdir.com now, click on the yellow sunburst icon and enter the church code & password that you received in the letter that was mailed to you. If you did not receive a letter, contact Babby at office@rcovenant.org or 765-463-4600 and she can schedule your appointment or give you the information so you can do so yourself. If you have a scheduling confict for the dates that photographs will be taken, don’t hestitate to contact Babby at the office. There are options available even if you won’t be in the same state! We want 100% participation, so please do your part to participate!