On Sunday, January 20, Riverside held our Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting. Riverside’s membership elected two new members to Riverside’s Leadership Team, Chuck Moeschberger and Amy Fisher. You can read about them HERE. We also discussed Riverside’s progress on our Long Range Plan and what we intend to work on in 2013. We specifically focused on the 10 long term objectives outlined at the end of the Final Report. If you have not read this document, you can read it HERE. Lastly, we provided an update on conversations between Riverside’s Leadership Team and Staff regarding Riverside’s current facility usage and future needs. You can see Riverside’s participation growth over the past several years and our current financial position below and read an update on where we are at in our facility discussions HERE. Please do not hesitate to contact Riverside’s Leadership Team (lt@rcovenant.org) or Pastor Dan (dteefey@rcovenant.org | 765.463.4600) if you have any questions or suggestions.