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We are glad that you found our website! Riverside is made up of people from all walks of life and at all different places in their spiritual journeys. If you are considering joining us for our Sunday worship, we are confident that you will find people just like you who want to know God more deeply, share life with others, and make a difference in our community and world. You can find out more about our goals at Our Mission. Please fill-out our Connection Card to be contacted by someone on our staff.
Where and When Does Riverside Meet?
Riverside meets at 1850 Woodland Avenue in West Lafayette, IN. We gather for Sunday worship at 10:00 am. or, you can join us online at the same time.

What Should I Expect At the Sunday Worship Service?
Our worship services begin with an opening song and some sharing about what is happening in the life of Riverside. We usually read a Psalm and then sing several more songs together. We spend some time in prayer and then one of our pastors will read a passage from the Bible, talk about what it means, and share how God is inviting us to live it out. Lastly, we sing a final song together, share a final blessing, and continue worshiping God the rest of the week in our homes, workplaces and community. Our worship services last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. You can check out our sermons page to get a sample of a Sunday morning.
What Does Riverside Offer for My Children?
Our RiverKids ministry continues to change and adapt as we navigate ministry in a pandemic. Also, we are beginning the process of reimagining our ministry to kids for the current time as well as for the future. At this point in time, volunteers provide discipleship moments for our kids. Sometimes this is in the form of a children’s moment during the worship service, sometimes we post video lessons, and sometimes we are able to provide a lesson in our RiverKids area during our in-person service. We do not provide nursery care at this time.
As much as we would like to resume a fully functioning children’s ministry, we are prioritizing the safety of our congregation and our community for the time being. If you feel that you need resources or help in discipling your children at home during this time, please reach out to the LT.
What Does Riverside Believe?
On one level, the answer is quite simple. When new members join Riverside, they are asked two questions about belief: “Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior and promise to follow him as Lord?” and “Do you accept the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, as the word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct?” They are then asked if they intend to live as faithful followers of Jesus and as members of Riverside and our network of churches.
That’s it. That is what we think is most important.
But on another level, of course, there is more that can be said about what we believe together. To find out more about what we believe explore our What We Believe page.
Who Are Riverside’s Leaders?
Riverside is led by the congregation through Riverside’s Staff and Leadership Team.