We don’t go to church together. We are the church together.
Twice each year Riverside gathers to celebrate what God has done and to talk about God’s plans for our future mission and ministry. We are responsible together for God’s work among us and we would love for you to commit to joining us for our annual meeting.
When: Sunday, August 8th after the service (about 11:15am)
Where: Riverside Covenant Church or register to join (and vote) via Zoom.
What: We will hear updates from Riverside leaders, the budget will be presented for the 2021/22 fiscal year, have opportunities to ask questions, and then vote on the budget and the nominee for the Leadership Team. Also this year, there will be a vote of confidence to affirm Nicole McClurg’s call. To find out more about her journey and what you will be voting on, you can take a look here. There will not be a lunch, but childcare will be provided for children 3 and up.