At Riverside we strive to do Life Together with Jesus, with Each Other, and with our Neighbor. One of the ways we seek to do Life Together with Each Other is to gather every spring for our Annual Meeting. At our Annual Meeting we hear about the ministries going on at our church, a budget summary from the previous fiscal year, a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year, as well as other updates from the life of our faith community. This year that will include discussion on where we are at in the process of hiring a NextGen pastor.
If you are a regular attender of Riverside, you are welcome to attend and hear what God has been up to among us! Also, as members of Riverside, it is your responsibility and call to attend and share in the work that God has called us to in our church family.
Please plan on joining us immediately after church on Sunday May 19th for our Annual Meeting. If you are traveling or cannot join in person, contact the Leadership Team at for instructions on how to join virtually.
At this meeting we will be voting on a new Leadership Team member (more information soon) and for approval of the 2024-2025 budget.
There will not be a lunch, but childcare will be provided.