So we got a little silly this week with youth group. We met at the White House, had a little homemade hot chocolate, and prepared to head out into the world of drive-thru restaurants to share a little love of Jesus with those working in the cold. Each student got the chance to hand a worker an ornament, candy cane and Christmas message. The reactions to our gifts were hilarious! A few people were really freaked out by our mini-van full of sugar-shocked teenagers handing out gifts. Others gave us a heart-felt smile and said,"Thanks!" Still others sorta just stood there in shock, and as we drove away you could see them, all smiley-faced, showing off their gift to their co-workers. We just really wanted to let the students see what it’s like to give without getting anything at all in return. That’s what we’re called to do all the time–give the love of Jesus to everyone around us, not because it helps us out, but because it’s such a precious gift and we need to share it!!