Well we’re officially back into the swing of school and Sunday youth group! This week we dedicated our new room in the basement to the Lord-if you haven’t gone down to see our new pad, I highly recommend a trip across the parking lot this week! We ate pizza, caught up on what everyone’s favorite part of the summer was, had communion in our new sanctuary, and then for the second half of the evening we took the senior high over to Chauncy Hill where we handed out freezy pops to all the students coming back! It was such a fun day-we almost tripped some skate boaders, but they quickly forgave us as we loaded them down with popsicles. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us this semester, it’s going to be alot of figuring out the dynamics of our new students, meeting them where they are in their walks, and challenging them to live their lives for Christ outside the walls of our little community-challenging? Yep! Worth it? Oh yeah.