The hardest part about freely giving things away is that we want to claim that they are ours. We convince ourselves that we are entitled to what we have, that we have worked hard for our stuff, and that no one deserves any of it unless they prove worthy. Thank goodness that God did not feel this way when contemplating whether to send Jesus Christ to us.
How do we practically walk ourselves closer to seeing all that we have as God’s? Richard Foster believes it is by making our lives simpler and gives us some practical ways in his excellent book, Freedom of Simplicity.
1. Develop a habit of plain, honest speech.
2. Write out a money autobiography? Consider your changing/evolving attitudes towards money over the years.
3. Find new, creative ways to get in touch with God’s creation.
4. Learn to enjoy things without owning them.
5. Develop the habit of homemade celebrations.
6. Get your kids what they need, not what they want. Pay for their necessities and encourage them to pay for their luxuries.
7. Silence every motion proceeding from the love of money.
Also, check out how a Covenant church in Illinois practiced giving freely of themselves.
Not Your Ordinary Garage Sale – Stuff is Free!