This past Sunday we read Acts 2:42-47 and discovered what life as a follower of Jesus was like in the very early days of the church. The first followers of Jesus devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. They also shared everything that they had in common.
Our homework this week was to share a need(s) that you or your family may have. If you were not at the worship services on Sunday, you can share a need your family has by emailing me ([email protected]).
Then we want everyone to look through the list of needs and to email me ([email protected]) if you believe you can help meet the need. I will then connect you and we will watch as the Spirit uses the resources of some to meet the needs of others. I will cross out the needs when someone has already agreed to meet it. Some needs will never be crossed out because they are ongoing.
need financial support for college ministry @ Purdue
need all-wheel drive car
need part-time job with animals
need inexpensive automobile to replace our current “totaled” one
need a ride to the 9am worship service on Sundays (from downtown Lafayette)
need help cleaning leaves off of roof
need $5000 towards costs of an adoption
need night caregiver in Evansville/Vanderburgh area for quadrapalegic
need financial support for college ministry @ Purdue
need central air in home fixed or replaced
need summer job for 19 year old
need help with preventing floods in basement
need help installing a window
need help selling house
need playdates for children
need help building a playground
need someone to watch cat from June 16-July 12
need labor to repair or replace shed roof
need car air conditioner fixed
need supplies for local schools
There were also many prayer needs that were shared. These prayer needs also need someone to commit to praying for one or several of them. Please email me ([email protected]) if you are willing to commit to praying for one or many of the needs on the below prayer needs list.
– lack of enthusiasm and passion for Christ
– discernment
– more commitment to the church
– discernment and decision-making as we raise our boys into teenage years. guide them to use God’s Word and depend on Him for help
– restoration of relationship with daughter. daughter needs to find forgiveness and a softer heart.
– mother’s health
– time to do everything needed for a trip
– that I will be able to take out the garbage and recycle stuff by myself every Monday
– family that do not know Christ
– i need help, spiritual guidance and love. i’m lost and knee deep in sin.
– female friends
– healing of chronic sinusitis yielding renewed strength and energy especially with kids out of school
– discernment with possible move
– family’s physical and emotional health
– to be more powerful witness to God in my interactions with co-workers who are non believers
– 3 year old granddaughter who is autistic
– for friend that recently lost her husband in a horrible accident