This week we heard about the story of God and how from the moment of creation God has invited us to be in relationship. God wants us to be included in God’s work in our world. Too often though, we choose not to participate in God’s work. Instead of embracing our role in God’s story we seek to be stars of our own story. It is certain, however, that no matter how grande our personal story becomes it will always pale in comparison to God’s. To be a role player in the story of God is exceedingly more fulfilling than being a star of our own schemes. Eugene Peterson describes this well.
Eugene Peterson says, "Spiritual theology, using Scripture as text, does not so much present us with a moral code and tell us, "Live up to this," nor does it set out a system of doctrine and say, "Think like this." The biblical way is to tell a story and invite us, "Live into this – this is what it looks like to be human in this God-made and God-ruled world; this is what is involved in becoming and maturing as a human being." We don’t have to fit into prefabricated moral and mental or religious boxes before we are admitted into the company of God. We are taken seriously just as we are and given place in his story – for it is, after all, God’s story. None of us is the leading character in the story of our lives. God is the larger context and plot in which all our stories find themselves."