Jubilee Christmas is a special LUM (Lafayette Urban Ministry) program for families with children. Families who participate in Jubilee Christmas are invited to a host site and are able to select new toys for their children (12 and younger). Families also receive a food gift card to aid in making purchases for their Christmas dinner. On Saturday, December 9, 10:00-12:00, Riverside will be hosting Jubilee Christmas. Our goal is to provide Christmas toys, hygiene items, winter wear, games, blankets and baked treats for the 10 families chosen for Riverside. Julie Griffin is once again the coordinator for Riverside with her team of Laurie Smoldt and Kelly Clouse.
Here are ways that you can help:
- Financial support—to support a family ($60). Checks can be made out to Riverside Covenant Church with Jubilee Christmas in the memo line and drop by the church office or mail to 1850 Woodland Ave, West Lafayette, IN, 47906. Or you can give online at www.rcovenant.org/giving. Choose the Misc. fund and put Jubilee Christmas in the description. Money goes towards buying food gift cards for the families and buying gift cards for teens.
- Shop for new toys for children age 0-12 years. Jubilee Christmas wants each child to have 4 new (not used) toys in the price range of $15-30. There is a board set up in the back of the sanctuary with tags for toys that has the age & gender of the child you want to shop for. Note: Some of the slips list specific toys. (One slip = one toy). You can drop off the toys at the church at any time (that the church is open) into the boxes that are labeled by gender. Please attach the tag that you took to the gift when returning unwrapped to the church. It will make it easier to be sure it gets to the correct child.
- Help set up on Friday night. Sign up below. Julie will get back to you with more information.
- Host a family on Saturday. If you would like to host a family on Saturday while they shop, sign up below. Julie will get back to you with more information.
- Make (or pick up) some baked goods for the families to take home to enjoy. Pick up a tag from the back of the sanctuary if you would like to help in this way. Baked good are due to the church by Friday, December 8th no later than 4PM.
Questions? Contact Julie or her team or the church office at office@rcovenant.org.