“When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, bring some of the fish you have just caught.” . . . “Jesus said to them come and have breakfast” (John 21:9-10&12 NIV).
This is another great reminder of how Jesus not only met the spiritual needs of his disciples but also their physical needs. Men of Riverside, I encourage you to consider your need of fellowship with other men who are also seeking to follow after Christ. Consider attending the Men’s Outdoor Breakfast and Fishing Event (see details below), regardless of your interest in fishing think about attending the event for fun, fellowship, and a few fishing stories. After all, if an outdoor breakfast was good for Jesus and his disciples….it is good for the men of Riverside.
The Men’s Outdoor Breakfast and Fishing Event will occur at Fairfield Lakes on Saturday, April 16. Fishing will begin at sunrise (7:30am) and the breakfast will begin at 9am. If you are interested in attending this event, sign up at the back of the sanctuary this Sunday.
Breakfast Cooks needed:
Not into fishing? We could use help cooking breakfast. If you can help, please contact Todd Kelley dtkelley@comcast.net, or Kurt Harker kdharker@comcast.net.