When: Friday April 20th and Saturday April 21st. Check in begins any time after 3:00 p.m. on Friday and will have a dinner served at 6:30.
Where: Twin Lakes Camp in Hillsboro, IN. www.twinlakescamp.com
What: Fellowship with other men. Hearing ECC pastors and Pastor Dan speak. Exploring the camp, if you check in early on Friday. (I believe there is a stocked lake if you want to bring your fishing poles
Cost: $75 (Scholarships are available if needed.)
Sign up: On the signup sheet in the back of the sanctuary at church or by emailing office@rcovenant.org.
Contacts: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email Zach Brennan brennan.zach@gmail.com or Pastor Dan dteefey@rcovenant.org.