Summer Men’s Bible Study – 1 Peter
Mondays @ 7pm or
Thursdays @ 6:30am
Monday, June 1 or Thursday, June 4 – The Book of 1 Peter Overview
Monday, June 8 or Thursday, June 11 – 1 Peter 1:1-12
Monday, June 15 or Thursday, June 18 – 1 Peter 1:13-25
Monday, June 22 or Thursday, June 25 – 1 Peter 2:1-8
Monday, June 29 or Thursday, July 2 – 1 Peter 2:9-25
Monday, July 6 or Thursday, July 9 – 1 Peter 3:1-7
Monday, July 13 or Thursday, July 16 – 1 Peter 3:8-22
Monday, July 20 or Thursday, July 23 – 1 Peter 4:1-11
Monday, July 27 or Thursday, July 30 – 1 Peter 4:12-5:7
Monday, August 3 or Thursday, August 6 – 1 Peter 5:7-14
Questions to guide your preparation:
What does this passage say? What is its main point?
How is the passage arranged or set up? What are the concepts being presented? What is the author’s logic? What is the sentence structure? The sequence of thought?
What is going on preceding and after the text? How does this section fit in? How does this passage connect with the storyline of the Bible? What is the historical setting? What is the literary context? Who are the characters in the text? What do I know about them? How does this affect my understanding of the letter?
What are the different topics involved in the text? How are they related to one another? Are any words or themes repeated? What is their significance? Are there any unusual words or concepts?
How would the original audience have been affected by this passage? How would I write this passage in my own words? How does God want this passage to function in my life? What kind of response does this passage call for? What does it reveal about God, or about me? What does it require of me now, in thought, word or action?