For the first time, Riverside Covenant church partnered with many local churches to help with the Jubilee Christmas program. The program is designed for selected families to be able to choose toys for their children that have been provided by partner churches. The parents can be heroes by giving toys to their children.
Jubilee Christmas provides each family a ham, food certificates and gift cards for the teen participants. Food certificates (which are purchased from the corporate headquarters of Kroger) state that the certificates cannot be used for alcohol, tobacco, or lottery tickets.
Riverside’s financial giving totaled $2,045 and 77 new toys were donated. After paying Jubilee Christmas, purchasing additional toys (which our Youth Group did), and purchasing wrapping paper, the remaining amount was $1,180. That amount was used to purchase additional food certificates of $70 for each family.
Riverside Church is truly blessed with a congregation that is so giving to those who are in need. We thank you for the wonderful support that this church has demonstrated to local families. It helps not only to brighten the season for them, but also helps them to spiritually reflect on the Christmas season. In the days and months ahead, we pray that a continued relationship with these families will be possible.