Update 4/30/2012: Check out Justin and Kristen’s blog http://amilewithus.wordpress.com as they answer additional questions that werent asnwered during the interview, submitted by the congregation.
We are doing something brand-spankin’ new at Riverside. Because we live in a world of technology, and we have a few people at Riverside who are skilled in technology we are going to take advantage of technology. We will be having a Question and Answer Video Chat with Justin and Kristen, missionaries we support in Asia. We can’t tell you where, because it’s top secret. Mostly, we just can’t write it on the Internet, so it isn’t out there floating in cyberspace. Starting now we will be collecting your questions. You can leave them in the comment box below this very article. Or you can write it on a piece of paper and slip it in the magic box in the back of the Sanctuary.
If you do leave a comment below, don’t panic if it doesn’t show up right away or it get’s slightly reworded. The comments will be moderated, to be discreet. But rest assured your questions will get asked!
oh yeah. You have two weeks to get your questions in.