Riverside will be pursuing three opportunities for us to share our resources with others this Christmas season: one overseas and two in our backyard. Our goal during this time is to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all.
Riverside will again participate in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. For this project we will pack a shoe box with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and other things along with $7 for shipping. We will bring the packed boxes to the church by Sunday, November 22, and ship them to children around the world. More information will be provided during the worship services. Last year we had 100 boxes. Our goal this year is 125. Let’s make it happen.
This year, Riverside will also be participating in Jubilee Christmas. This is our community’s largest Christmas assistance program. On Saturday, December 12, Riverside will become a Jubilee Toy Shop where low-income parents can select new toys, clothing, and gift certificates for their children. Riverside will need both financial donations and donations of new toys. More information will be provided during the worship services over the next several Sundays.
Finally, Riverside is accepting gift cards to Meijer, PayLess, Marsh, Target and Walmart for single mothers in our community. There is a box in front of the sound booth in the sactuary where you can put donated gift cards. It is most helpful to purchase the gift cards in $20 denominations.