The last few weeks we have collected sheets, ripped them into strips and sewn them into even longer strips and now they are ready to be rolled. These rolled strips will be sent to the Congo where they will be used for bandages.
Why we are rolling:
1. To realize how others around the world live, how much we have, and that we are capable of bridging that gap.
2. So kids can participate in a mission and learn more about God’s heart and others needs.
3. Missions is a mission of Riverside!
4. It’s time well spent with family and friends!
Where to pick up sheets to roll:
1. A white basket will be upstairs by the missions table with sewn strips to be rolled. Try to roll at least 2 per person in your family!
2. The sewn strips will be ready this Sunday.
3. The strips will be available until we get them all rolled.
How to roll:
Check out:
How to Return:
1. Rolled tightly, please!
2. Fastened with a safety pin or a rubber band.
3. Place rolled bandages in a plastic Ziploc bag
4. Drop into white laundry basket upstairs by the mission table.
Return Date:
Please return within one week of taking.