Riverside supports the local ministry of Young Life, check out this video from there camp experience and read below to hear more about some of the exciting things that happened in the lives of kids.
You are making a difference in teenagers’ lives! Speaking on behalf of Lafayette Young Life and WyldLife we wanted to give you a special thanks for partnering with us in your prayers and financial donations this year to Young Life. In the current uncertain financial times we are having, you have followed through to support this ministry to the kids of our community and because of this we continue to see God at work. For this reason we are really proud of our supporters.
There were 2 Lafayette kids at Young Camp this year that openly professed their new faith in God and another 10 or so that are doing some serious thinking about what they heard during that week. Mark took his camera gear to camp and put together a 4 ½ minute video so you could see for yourself what the best week of a kid’s life looks like. Please take a few minutes to click on the link and see what it is all about