God invites us to participate in His work daily in our church, community, nation and world. He tells us to pray “on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests . . . and always keep on praying for all the saints,” (Eph. 6:18). We (the Prayer Leadership Team at Riverside) want to make that easier for all of us. Therefore, a calendar is attached for each of us to use daily to pray for Riverside’s family and activities, including the missionaries we support. Each box includes important requests and celebrations of our Riverside family, such as meetings, birthdays and anniversaries. You are asked to simply pray for the concern listed or pray blessings upon those celebrating any special days. Likewise, the schedule to the right of the calendar lists important weekly events. For each corresponding day of the week, we suggest that you pray for those activities and the people who are participating in them. For example, every Tuesday morning the staff meets, so we could pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for them, for the Holy Spirit to lead them, etc. Such prayers can be as short or as long as you wish–what’s important is that we simply pray.
Monthly and one-time events are highlighted in color. These are significant activities that we can easily participate in by encouraging others through prayer. What a powerful force we can be for one another when we pray!
The Lord commands us to pray about all things, so we invite you to join us in using this handy calendar to remember to pray for Riverside Covenant Church. Print it and put it in a place where you will see it and use it daily—in your Bible, on the fridge, wherever you pray. New ones will be provided monthly. Use them to pray daily and to be a blessing to others at Riverside. You’ll be greatly blessed!