You’ve been given the gift of influence’”in your family, school, workplace, organization, community or church’”in which people are depending on you to lead. Learning how to maximize the positive impact of your influence is what leadership development is all about.
Through The Global Leadership Summit, August 14-15, you have access to a world-class faculty that brings incredible depth and breadth of leadership talent, perspective and insight. You will be encouraged, your skills will be honed and sharpened, your motivation to lead will be renewed and you’ll be challenged in ways you cannot imagine.
Everyone wins when a leader gets better. Commit now to set aside two days so that God can do powerful things in you and your community during the 2014 Summit experience.
Riverside is a Global Leadership Summit Partner to First Assembly in Lafayette and has secured a discounted Summit registration price of $99 through June 24, 2014. Students and faculty are only $79. We would love for you to join Riverside’s staff, Leadership Team, and other leaders for this two day experience that will develop your leadership skills at home, work, and in our community. Everyone is a leader somewhere.
More information about the Summit is available here.
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