We promised the Junior High some time at Purdue’s Union so this weekend we headed out to hit the video games! We were really excited that we had a new W.L. football player join us as we piled in the Volkswagon. We really need a bigger car to haul everyone-it was like the clown car!! Kaitlin and I had a great time loosing at Dance Revolution-and the milkshakes at the Sweet Shop were totally worth the wait! Fellowship is so awesome-no other agenda but to love on the youth with our time!
This week we introduced a new focus to the Senior High-what is up with our society that thinks we’re crazy if we really love God-it’s ok to believe in Him, but to have a personal relationship? Get outta here. We’re going to go through the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan and really challenge the Senior High to desire more Jesus. I think we’re going to bring it back to the church as well-lot’s of distractions at the coffee shop!!