Lesson from June 28, 2009
Philippians 4:2-9
Dominant note of this letter is joy.
Context:Phil 1:18, Phil 2:18, Phil 3:1
Prior passages: 3: 20 – 4:1 note “Therefore.”
4:2 – 3 Appear to deal with a particular problem
Things to do
Vs. 4.Rejoice in the Lord always.
Rejoice = Re + joy
Re having the general sense of “back again” or “in repetition”
Joydelight, bliss = complete happiness, paradise, heaven = profound spiritual satisfaction.
Vs. 5.Let your gentleness (William Barclay says this Greek word is one of the most difficult to translate),= forbearing spirit, moderation, patience, softness, patient mind, modesty, magnanimity, Let all the world know that you will meet a man half-way, “justice and something better than justice, when to relax justice and introduce mercy, Example: Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. The Lord is near.
Vs. 6.Be anxious for nothing.
Pray, supplication (asking for things)
Vs. 8.Let your mind dwell on what is good
(whatever was learned or received, —-heard from or seen in me)
Vs. 9.Practice these things
7.The peace of God
9.The God of Peace
Read, 1 Peter, 2: 1 – 2. How do these verses help us in understanding how we are to rejoice always, be gentle and patient, and be anxious for nothing?
What is the difference between the peace of God and the God of peace? What does Paul tell us to do to get these results?
What things in your life get in the way of practicing these things? What can you do about these impediments?