Hey, Riversiders! Would you like to be a part of the Good Neighbor Garden Club? Last fall after surveying the grounds, we put together a plan for families to adopt spots around the property to beautify and maintain our corner of the community. Then this spring after talking with a Master Gardener, we were also advised to completely start over on two sides of the white house. The process of ripping out invasive plants and weeds has started! If you have knowledge about preparing garden beds or if you could help us haul off the yard waste, we need you! Many hands make light work! If you are not able to help but would like to make a donation towards new shrubs, soil, or mulch, we would love that, too.
In terms of the adopt-a-spots, we already have a few areas taken, but we would love more volunteers. If you can pull a dandelion weed or trim back dead flowers, you can be a part. It’s a low time commitment (like a few minutes after church), but a big impact on being a good neighbor in the West Lafayette community. If you are interested, contact Jen Ritchie.