Scripture text for Wednesday, March 31st, 2010: John 9:1-9:41
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Why do bad things happen to good people? We hear this all the time-in the news, in the church, at home-we’ve all witnessed tragedies that we don’t understand and can’t possibly comprehend why God would allow it to happen. In our parable for today the disciples pretty much ask Jesus that same question-whose fault is it that this poor man is blind, and has been since birth? Was it his mom or was it his dad that sinned? When life doesn’t make sense to us we have to look at things in a kingdom perspective and quit pinning the blame. We all know we live in a fallen world, that we experience life hoping for Christ’s return and wanting it all to make sense but that world isn’t here yet. So what happens while we wait? I see it as kingdom tension-an all out battle for us where God allows us to feel pain and brokenness-but WHY? He doesn’t cause the pain, he doesn’t cause the brokenness, but in allowing it He gives us a chance to draw near to Him, seek Him, depend on Him, and watch Him use those moments to bring glory to Himself. Think about the last huge moment in your life that you just wanted to scream at the top of your lungs, WHY GOD? Did He meet you in that moment? Did you listen to what He wanted to say to you? He wants us on our knees ready to listen-in those moments we can be transformed. Let Him.
Devotion prepared by Becky Wellner