Scripture text for Thursday, January 14, 2010: Genesis 27:1-28:22
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As I read this passage, it reminded me how dangerous and destructive it can be to make decisions based on emotions.
Esau had already sold his birthright to his brother because he was hungry. Now we have Rebekah loving Jacob more than Esau and coercing him to deceive his father so he might be blessed instead of Esau.
Where is the wisdom in making monumental decisions that will have a lifetime of consequences based on our feelings? My feelings change all the time, but God’s precepts never change – thank goodness!
I can always rest assured if I obey Him and not lean on my own understanding, He will make my path straight.
I am also reminded God could still use me in spite of my disobedient moments. I am sure God was not pleased with the deceit, manipulation, and estrangement that took place in this family, but He still used them to bring about His ultimate promise of a blessed nation of people coming through the linage of their family.
Devotion prepared by Dar Muehlhausen