Scripture text for Monday, April 5th, 2010: Luke 22:1-22:46
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This passage begins with a description of Judas’ early steps to betray Christ, approaching the chief priests and accepting money to betray Jesus. Luke’s reference to Satan is a reminder that the forces of evil were rallying to defeat Christ. As you continue to celebrate Easter today, praise God for all that was defeated and won on the cross!
The first communion meal foreshadows Christ’s offering of himself on our behalf and Luke ties it together with Christ’s radical teaching about what it looks like to be the ‘greatest’ in the New Kingdom. I always imagined that after Jesus interpupts their argument to inform them that the ‘greatest’ is called to lowly service, the disciples were like, “No, that’s OK, really- YOU’RE the greatest, not me!” Think about your relationships with your peers, at work or in the community, where are you tempted to ‘lord’ things over them? What type of service would embody Christ’s self-giving?
How often have I stood in Peter’s shoes? Excited and committed one moment, then embarrassed and half-hearted, hoping no one asks anything that would ‘out’ me as a Christian, the next. Take a few moments to recall times you have personally denied Jesus, confess them to Christ, and receive Christ’s words to Peter as your own.
Devotion prepared by Emily Umulis