Brothers and Sisters,
Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It seems that this ancient greeting of the Church is most appropriate for us in these uncertain times. It is my prayer that in the midst of uncertainty you will experience the Grace and Peace of Jesus. If you find yourself feeling isolated or alone and in need of conversation or care, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other staff members. We would love to pray with you over the phone or online. We are all available and monitoring our emails and voicemails.
As we enter Holy Week together, Riverside and our sister church, Evangelical Covenant Church, invite you to join us for daily video devotionals and worship at 7:00 PM. These will be led jointly by the staff of ECC and Riverside, and they will be posted online each evening through next Monday. You can view them on Riverside’s Facebook page, or on our YouTube channel. As we progress through the week, we will be reflecting on the journey that Jesus experienced as the greatest day in history approached. We will also host online worship for Maundy Thursday at 7:00 PM, as well as our collaborative Good Friday service at 7:00 PM. If you would like to participate in communion on Thursday, you are encouraged to have bread and juice on hand so we can celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, even in our separation. For Friday, you are encouraged to have vinegar on hand, if you would like a more participatory experience. We look forward to celebrating Holy Week together as we never have before!
Be God’s,