Can you believe it? Christmas merchandise is already in local stores! Again this year Riverside is sharing our resources with children around the world through Operation Christmas Child. All you have to do is grab a shoebox or similarly sized plastic container, fill it with awesome stuff, and bring it to Riverside worship. You have until Sunday, November 22 to pack a shoebox and bring it to Riverside’s building to be taken to a local collection center. For more information on what to include in your box go here or visit the Operation Christmas Child table on Sunday to pick up a brochure and shoeboxes to pack.
Last year more than 10 million shoe box gifts were presented to boys and girls around the world and throughout the year. These gifts are often the first real presents children have ever received. After receiving a shoebox, children will have the opportunity to enroll in a Bible class that explains what it means to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Many times the parents of these children come to know Christ because their children have attended these classes. Thank you for your willingness to impact children’s lives around the world by packing shoeboxes. All boxes need to be turned in to Riverside’s building by Sunday, November 22.