Hello everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful spring! April went by really fast with us ending the month by celebrating Christ resurrection. The children enthusiastically brought in waving palm branches, while singing Holy is the Lord, on Palm Sunday. It was great to see approximately 70 children participate in the celebration. This past Sunday, Miss Becky led the children singing This Little Light of Mine as they participative in Big Church Worship for Youth Sunday. Miss Shelby read them a story about Why Mothers are Special since it was also Mothers Day.
On May 22 we will have a Vacation Bible School promotional video or skit and will begin registering kids for our event. We are currently signing up volunteers to help so if you have not filled out a form, please do so this week. They are located in the back of the sanctuary.
This month our 3-5yr class will see the amazing works God did in the early church through stories of Saul’s conversion, Peter’s escape from prison and Barnabas the Encourager. The final lesson of the unit is a review of God’s story from Creation all the way through Jesus going to heaven.
Our K/1 grade will be given the opportunity to discover five things that friends of Jesus do: they tell others about Jesus (Grace), they help others (Gifts), they use their money in good ways (Good Stewardship), they learn about Jesus (Growth), and they love each other and celebrate together (Group). In each of the four lessons of this unit, children will learn about and practice “doing” one of the 5-Gs.
In this 3rd unit of the Spring Quarter, the 2nd- 3rd grade children will learn about the 5-G’s: Grace, Growth Gifts, Good Stewardship, and Group. They will learn that as they develop these five characteristics, they can make a difference in the lives of others. In lesson 9, they will learn that by accepting God’s Grace, and extending His grace to others, they can help other people learn about how to have a forever friendship with Jesus. In Lessons 10 and 11, children will learn about Growth. They will learn to develop the Fruit of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. They will see that by developing these qualities in their lives, they can become more like Jesus and make a difference in the lives of those around them. In Lesson 12, children will learn about Good Stewardship and Gifts. They will learn that by giving of their time, abilities, and resources, they can make a difference in the lives of others. Lesson 13 ends the unit with an emphasis on Group. Small Groups will celebrate the year and discuss how being in a Small Group makes a difference in their own lives.
The 4th-5th graders are learning that believers are the light of the world. If they are following Jesus, they have His light inside of them and need to shine their light in our dark world so others will come to know God. Each week kids will learn that in order to shine, they must overcome obstacles that prevent them from shining. Lesson 8 teaches children to overcome their fears and set an example by living life the way Jesus teaches in the Bible. Lesson 9 teaches kids to match their actions with their faith. Lesson 10 teaches children that as believers, they are children of God, members of God’s family, and unconditionally loved. They can build their confidence on God’s promises rather than on other things, and have the confidence to shine. Lesson 11 teaches kids to choose to use encouraging words rather than unwholesome talk. Lesson 12 teaches kids to be joyful and persevere no matter what they are facing. Finally, lesson 13 reviews the 5-Gs and teaches kids that these Gs are marks of a fully devoted follower of Christ. Children will spend time in their Small Groups reviewing and having a Small Group Celebration.
As we partner with you as parents in this faith journey for your children please feel free to communicate your thoughts and suggestions with me or a Promiseland Ministry Team Member. We are not here to be the primary source of Spiritual growth for your children, but are here to facilitate that process as much as we can.
In Christ,
Dar Muehlhausen- Director of Children’s Ministry
Kelly Blanchard, Dana Teefey, Stephanie Stout, Margie Story- Ministry team