Scripture text for Friday, March 5th, 2010: Proverbs 16:1-18:24
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When I read the book of Proverbs, I am overwhelmed with the depth of knowledge that is relayed through Solomon. The verses are an entirely different literature style from the beginning books of the Bible in the E100 reading. These are the phrases that are most easily “written on your doorframes and gates” (Deut. 11:20).
This section of the proverbs is meant to have practical daily application for every person. There are specific wisdom nuggets relating to relationships, speech, work, and success. The reader of these proverbs is directed to God as the source of wisdom and the simple phrases describe God’s character.
The Life Application Study Bible footnotes for Proverbs 16:2 pose questions that get to the foundational purpose of our human lives on earth. When determining the righteousness of a man’s ways, any idea can be spun to be correct without specific standards with which to align it. Thus as people reflecting the light of Christ, we must ask ourselves “(1) Is this plan in harmony with God’s truth? (2) Will it work under real-life conditions? (3) Is my attitude pleasing to God?” The Lord ultimately knows our hearts and can truly judge our intentions whether we vocalize or rationalize accurately.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I praise you for the knowledge that is given to me, which is only what I need to know. I pray that I am able to articulate the good news well for Your Will and Glory! Please guard my heart and motivations to be pleasing to you and for your glory.
Devotion prepared by Stephanie Brennan