The psalm has major themes
- Reliance on the Lord (verses Psalm 27: 1-3) “Hope” in the Lord (Psalm 27: 4-6)
- Prayer for mercy, and guidance (verses Psalm 27: 7-12)
- Exhortation to be patient (verses Psalm 27: 13-14)
Theme 1- Reliance on the Lord.
What jumps out at you regarding the language used in verses Psalm 27: 1-3?
What image comes to your mind in verse 2?
“When evildoers close in on me to devour me, it is my enemies, my assailants, who stumble and fall” (NEB)
Theme 2 – Prayer
Why would God not answer David’s prayer? (verse7)
Why would God hide his face (verse 9)?
What do think the “level path” means in verse 11?
Theme 3 – Exhortation for patience
How should we react when the “goodness of the Lord” does not seem to be appearing in this life?
Group Questions
How has the Lord been a “stronghold” or a “light” in your life the past month?
Do you naturally seek “refuge” in the Lord? What life circumstances drive you to seek refuge with the Lord?