Scripture text for Thursday, April 8th, 2010: John 20:1-21:25
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Reading through this passage it always hits me how NO ONE recognized Jesus. These men and women who gave their lives and gave up everything to follow him, people who spent tons of time with Jesus don’t notice it is him… first. I think there are 2 things going on here, they were too busy and caught up in their own “stuff” to see that he had risen, and they did not fully believe that part of the prophecy. What about us? Are we any different? Does Christ show up daily in our lives and we think it to be something else? Luck, a good day, someone else, or our own strength?
I love it when Thomas needs to see the proof. (20:25) I am so like that. All these people are telling him they have seen Jesus and he says he won’t believe unless he can see the scars. How bold of a statement, again leading me to think many of them saw him die on the cross but did not 100% believe that he would rise from the dead.
So, Jesus keeps showing up places, showing his scars and cooking breakfast. You have to love the fact that although he just conquered death he is still tending to the everyday…coming to meetings, fishing and making meals. We come to the part where he and Peter meet. AWKWARD! Notice how gentle Jesus is in his questions. Do you love me? The third time he asked Peter, it hits him that this is a painful reminder of his denial. Jesus corrected him gently and Peter went on to be bold for the church and the kingdom. That was a huge mess up, claiming to NOT know Christ! Yet Jesus did not shove him into the water (my idea) or feed him bad fish. Jesus gently led him back to truth and encouraged him to “feed and take care of his sheep”
Lord, help our unbelief. Show us all the ways that you are with us daily and we miss it. Teach us trust, forgiveness, and faith. Let us be believers who live your resurrection daily. People that see you in the everyday and answer the call to be your hands and feet in the world over and over again. Help us to believe that you are who you say you are. That you will do what you say you will do. Let our faith be something that speaks resurrection into people’s lives. We love you, Lord, and we thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us. Thank you for your story of redemption in this broken world. Thank you that we will someday spend eternity with you. Amen.
Devotion prepared by Katie Schmidt