Scripture text for Friday, February 12th, 2010: Ruth 1:1-4:22
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In the story of Ruth and Naomi I am struck by the intimacy of the relationship between these two very different women and reminded that God seems to work in ways I don’t know that I will ever be able to fully comprehend. Ruth was so dedicated to the well-being of her mother-in-law that she left everything she knew to follow and take care of Naomi. They cried together, worked together, shared their thoughts and fears, and eventually celebrated together when their lives took an amazing upturn.
I have a friend that is my modern-day Ruth. When she was hired at Starbucks I thought she was crazy-and she is-but what I didn’t realize was that God was going to use her excitement for life and for His Word to speak volumes of love to me! As I made the transition from a Starbucks manager to working with youth she never left my side-when it looked like I would be making coffee forever she cried with me, prayed with me, and encouraged me. She was intentional with her love. My question for you is-who can you be intentional in loving today? Is it someone at work? Someone at home that you’ve been taking for granted? Do you need to be intentional about loving the Lord? Let him search your heart today to show you how you can pour out Christ’s love in an intentional way.
Devotion prepared by Becky Wellner