The most comprehensive way to find volunteer opportunities in Tippecanoe County is through the United Way’s searchable database of current volunteer opportunities.
Another vital resource in our community is the Lafayette Crisis Center hotline. You can dial 2-1-1 or 765.423.2255 to access the 24-hour free and confidential information and referral hotline for Tippecanoe County. The trained volunteers on the line will be able to help you locate area non-profit organizations, community services and support groups. This number can also be used as a resource for suicide prevention and sexual abuse help.
What follows is a list of specific volunteer opportunities that have been categorized to correlate with the needs that Jesus indicates in Matthew 25. Riverside is connected in some way with most of the opportunities listed, but descriptions are provided for opportunities where Riverside has a formal partnership. Each opportunity involves personal contact with those in need and the chance to serve Jesus.
Should you have any questions or desire personal help in finding opportunities to serve in our community, please contact the Riverside office at or 765.463.4600.
Lafayette Transitional Housing Center
Riverside supports the Lafayette Transitional Housing Center in several ways. First, we prepare and serve a community meal each month. Second, we collect food donations and homemade laundry soap, which is collected in the back of Riverside’s Sunday worship space and distributed through LTHC’s food pantry. Third, we help staff volunteers to distribute food each week through the LTHC food pantry. You can assist in any of these areas by contacting the Riverside office at or 765.463.4600.
Riverside financially partners with other churches in our community to meet the needs of Tippecanoe County residents through Love In The Name of Christ (Love, INC). Love, INC is a collaboration of churches that process needs requests and then use the resources of the whole Christian community to meet those needs. They are always in need of volunteers to make follow-up phone calls and to network with various churches, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to locate needed support. You can get involved by calling Love, INC directly at 765.775.6203.
Other opportunities:
Meals on Wheels – delivers meals to seniors
Food Finders Food Bank – central warehousing facility that collects and then distributes food to hungry through local pantries
Lafayette Urban Ministry – various services and programs for the poor in our community
Salvation Army – various services and programs for the poor in our community
For four weeks out of the year Riverside partners with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Lafayette to provide meals and support for several families that are a part of the Family Promise program. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve and spend time with Tippecanoe families facing a housing crisis. To get involved, contact Linda Bogan (, Riverside’s Family Promise Coordinator.
Other opportunities:
Lafayette Urban Ministry – various services and programs for the poor in our community
Habitat for Humanity – build and renovate houses for families in need
Safe Families – families open their homes to care for children whose parents are struggling
YWCA – provides a shelter for abused women and various other services
International Friendship Program – matches international students with local families for dinners and activities
Bridges International – ministry to international students at Purdue
Indiana Legal Services – legal services
Information about the Bible and Immigration:
2013 Evangelical Covenant Resolution on Immigration
2006 Evangelical Covenant Resolution on Immigration
Wholistic Health/Sick/Homebound:
Riggs Community Health Center – comprehensive and cost-effective healtchare for underserved
Caregiver Companion – provides assistance for elderly, homebound, and their caregivers
Hanna Community Center Senior Programs – encourages seniors to stay active, healthy, and connected to community
Indiana University Health Hospice – Donald Burlock, Volunteer Coordinator, (765) 404-5875
Mental Health of America of Tippecanoe County – addresses various mental health concerns in our community
Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center – gives persons with disabilities the opportunity to ride horses
Read to Succeed – assists students to learn to read
Lafayette Adult Resource Academy – adult education, including GED preparation and English language training
Big Brothers, Big Sisters – one-to-one mentoring
Prison/Justice System:
Bauer Family Resources – Teen Court – Lauren Gilmore, (765) 742-4848
Kairos Prison Ministry – prison retreats and ministry
Trinity Mission – drug and alcohol rehabilitation
Prison Entrepreneurship Program – prison education and business training
Information about the Bible and the Justice System:
2012 Evangelical Covenant Resolution on Criminal Justice
Covenant World Relief – Evangelical Covenant Church’s response to suffering and injustice in the world
Yezelalem Minch – child sponsorship in Ethiopia
Compassion International – child sponsorship around the world
Covenant Kids Congo – World Vision – child sponsorship in the Congo
International Justice Mission – human rights agency addressing slavery, sexual exploitation and other oppression
Bread for the World – fights hunger worldwide