Women’s ministries is about community. We want to stay connected with you beyond our monthly gatherings. Two vehicles of connection we have set up for this purpose are our Riverside Women’s email list and our Facebook group. This is a new email list, created this past fall (so if you were on any previous women’s email lists, this is different!). Both our emails and our Facebook page will give you details and information (and links) beyond what is shared during Sunday morning announcements, the weekly church email, and the church website. The Facebook group is also a great venue to interact with other Riverside Women. We want to do life together with you, so we hope you choose to connect with us via these options!
To join our Riverside Women’s email list, please sign up below, or call/email the church office (we typically send 1-2 emails per month). To join our Facebook group, search for “Riverside Covenant Church Women.”