- The nominating committee has been working on a new candidate for LT. We will be waiting on nominating a LT member until June 9th to allow them time to prayerfully consider.
- Pastor Ara shared the following highlights from 2023-2024
- LUM partnership established
- Refugee Partnership Transitioned to independence
- Baptism and new members (see annual report for numbers)
- Increased community engagement
- Apartment being used for short term housing
- Property upkeep and maintenance – parking lot, garage, ramp
- Brad Fischer gave the budget report
- The 2023-2024 budgeted amount was $328,725
- The 2024-2025 proposed budget is the same as last year $328,725 (You can refer to the last page of the annual report to see the slide that was presented at the meeting showing the breakdown of each account.)
- Tom presented the “next plans/step”
- 2024-2025 – Property Plans (Capital Items)
- Carpet replacement upstairs
- Develop plans for bathroom renovation
- Next Gen Pastor position update and discussion
- Recap of the discussion from the semi-annual meeting that we are looking for this position as we have a need for it based on the youth and RiverKids numbers in our church
- Shared same financial forecast from Jan 2024 meeting and how we asked for additional/increased giving to meet this financial goal
- We have seen about a 12% increase of the projected 31% needed, so we need another 20% more
- At what point would we move forward?
- Green light – consistent giving of an average of $7,584 per week from now through late fall. LT forms search committee in late fall or determines next steps. Target hire in place by August 2025
- Amber/Yellow Light means assess – finances are clearly trending forward toward the financial needs. LT will consider current trends and consider options. Essentially – how much of a faith gap would be comfortable to move forward. How do we walk by faith in this process?
- Red light means rethink – we’re not even getting close to our financial target. Explore other staffing solutions
- 2024-2025 – Property Plans (Capital Items)
A thank you to our Treasurer – Kevin Jones.
Results of the budget vote result – 43 votes for yes and budget is approved.
Pastor Ara is open to questions and conversations as we move toward this Next Gen Pastor.
If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please reach out to any of the LT members: Tom Elliott, Lauren Dorn, Brad Fischer, Andrea Patrie, and Rita Riggenbach