Riverside will gather for lunch and a guided prayer walk on Sunday, October 12 following second service. As we learn about Gospel-centered community through our sermons, we want to provide an opportunity to grow in relationship with each other and with God. Bring a side dish or dessert to share for lunch and then we will spend some time walking Riverside’s neighborhood. We will walk slowly in smaller groups and spend time noticing our surroundings. We want to pay particular attention to what God may be teaching us through what we see and hear. Be sure to include your kids too. They are often the best at moving slowly and noticing the tiny gems that adults often miss.
Once again, the details:
What: Carry-in Meal and Guided Prayer Walk
When: Sunday, October 12 following 2nd service (about noon) until 2pm.
What to bring:
- Side dish or dessert to share
- Walking shoes
- Jacket