Looking for a way to participate in the life of Riverside—join a prayer team! We have teams to pray for the needs of the congregation and for Pastor Dan and his family. Each group has multiple teams, so that it’s not overwhelming. You commit to praying for only 1 of every 3 or 4 months—you can handle that! We also have an e-mail team—just pray when you open a prayer request via e-mail. No meetings required for these teams!
Pray for the church and its different ministries on Sunday mornings. Just sign-up and commit to praying during one service a month. We meet in the prayer room (in white house) to pray. You can pray silently or aloud. It’s not scary—it’s quite peaceful and encouraging! Can’t do one service a month, we can also do every other month or whatever fits your schedule.
Also. . . just check out the prayer room—our resources are growing. You’ll find guides for the global Church, for our community, and the family.
Questions or ideas—contact Diane Kelley at dtkelley@myfrontiermail.com