We long to see all of you and will be filled with joy when that time comes. It is our pleasure to announce that we are moving in that direction once again and plan to begin regathering on October 11th at 10:00 AM! (Note the time change.)
As we take steps towards this “new normal”, you can imagine there are a number of realities that we must deal with. These include social distancing requirements, the size of our worship space, and the care of those in our church family and our community who are at risk. We believe we have come up with a plan that addresses all of these issues. Take a look at this video for more details.
We will continue to live-stream the worship service from the sanctuary at https://riverside.online.church. If you are not able or ready to worship with us in person, we understand and we invite you to continue to join us in worship online. If you are in an at risk category, or live or work with those who are at risk, we encourage you to join us virtually.
To join us in person, go here to sign up. The deadline to sign up is each Friday at noon. We look forward to seeing many of you and appreciate your support as we continue to navigate this new territory!
In Christ,
Riverside Staff and Leadership Team